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E mërkurë, 17 Korrik 2024
  • Superliga
  • Kategoria 1
  • Kosova

Europa League/ Yuri Maksimov is a "racist"!

Metalurg Donetsk coach, Yuri Maximov, has a previously untold story of the four Albanian players, Dorian Bylykbashi, Isli Hidi, Ervin Bulku and Ansi Agolli. “Maximov “hated” all of us, all  ...

Europa League/ Hoxha and Musolli get Albanian citizenship!

Tomorrow, KF Kukësi will be playing a very important game against Metalurg Donetsk in the Europa League qualification. However the Albanian team stumbled upon some problems only days before the ...

Albania/ Venera Rexhi signs for Linkopings FC

17 year old Venera Rexhi, born and raised in Sweden has decided to leave her team Borens IK and instead sign a contract with Linköpings FC. Venera has been on ...

Champions League / Skënderbeu hoping 'third time's a charm'

President Ardian Takaj is hoping "third time's a charm" for KS Skënderbeu as they look to progress from the second qualifying round at the expense of Neftçi PFK.President Ardian Takaj ...
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Europa League/ Yuri Maksimov is a "racis


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Europa League/ Hoxha and Musolli get Alb


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Albania/ Venera Rexhi signs for Linkopin


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Champions League / Skënderbeu hoping 'th


Albania / Possible lineup against Uzbekistan
nga AlbaniaSoccer   E mërkurë, 11 Gusht 2010 06:17   pdfShtypEmail
josip_kuzheAlbania who has not lost and has not had a goal against scored in last four friendlies, is expected to play a discipline match, with an attacking plan and very oriented on the back, with Cana and Curri leading away as one of the strongest center back duo on the Albanian national team on the recent past years. "We will play to win and the same time we will play to get ready for our Euqo qualifier matches against Romania and Luxemburg next month", said Croatian coach Josip Kuze who still has yet to loose a friendly match as coach of Albania.

Kuze, is expected to play in 1-4-4-2 formation, with Beqaj who returns to goal after almost two years of absence as part of an injury. On defense, Dallku, Can, Curri and Vangjeli. Midfield, Muzaka, Duro, Bulku and Agolli. Forwards, Bogdani and Salihi
