Mungon ambulanca ne Shkoder,ndeshja fillon me vone... » Vazhdojne situatat qesharake ne Superligen shqipta...
Nderpritet ndeshja ne Kukes » Rreth minutes 60 ne pjesen e tribunes perballe ku ...
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Skenderbeu kampion, Terbuni dhe Bylis bien nga kat... » Ekipi i Skenderbeut te Korçes eshte shpallur kampi...
Partizani fiton ne Korçe dhe rihap kampionatin » Ekipi i Partizanit ka arritur te fitoje ne minutat...
Ndodhe edhe kjo ne Superiore » Ne ndeshje e sotme midis Terbunit dhe Bylis qe do ...
Kapllanaj:Federata po tallet me ne » Nuk ka te sosur polemika per qeshtjen Albi  A...
Stavri Nica dorehiqet » Pas barazimit ne Puke kunder Terbunit,trajneri i k...
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E mërkurë, 17 Korrik 2024
  • Superliga
  • Kategoria 1
  • Kosova

U-17 Internationals
Team statistics - Irlanda U-17
Matches played: 3
Win: 2
Draw: 0
Lost: 1
Highest home win:
Irlanda U-17 - Malta U-17

Highest home lost:
Irlanda U-17 - Norvegji U-17

Highest away win:
Shqiperia U-17 - Irlanda U-17

Highest away lost:

Goals for: 5
Goals for per match: 1.67
Goals against: 2
Goals against per match: 0.67
No goals against: 1
Home games statistics
Home games percentage: 0.17
Matches total: 2
Matches played: 2
Total goals (for and against): 5
Goals per match: 2.5
Goals for3
Goals for per match: 1.5
Goals against2
Goals against per match: 1
Away games statistics
Away games percentage: 0.08
Matches total: 1
Matches played: 1
Total goals (for and against): 2
Goals per match: 2
Goals for2
Goals for per match: 2
Goals against0
Goals against per match: 0
Goals per matchday