Mungon ambulanca ne Shkoder,ndeshja fillon me vone... » Vazhdojne situatat qesharake ne Superligen shqipta...
Nderpritet ndeshja ne Kukes » Rreth minutes 60 ne pjesen e tribunes perballe ku ...
Lajmet e fundit para Flamurtari-Vllaznia » Lajmet e fundit qe vijne nga Vlora jane pozitive p...
Skenderbeu kampion, Terbuni dhe Bylis bien nga kat... » Ekipi i Skenderbeut te Korçes eshte shpallur kampi...
Partizani fiton ne Korçe dhe rihap kampionatin » Ekipi i Partizanit ka arritur te fitoje ne minutat...
Ndodhe edhe kjo ne Superiore » Ne ndeshje e sotme midis Terbunit dhe Bylis qe do ...
Kapllanaj:Federata po tallet me ne » Nuk ka te sosur polemika per qeshtjen Albi  A...
Stavri Nica dorehiqet » Pas barazimit ne Puke kunder Terbunit,trajneri i k...
Vangjeli ne perfundim te ndeshjes » Ishte nje gol vendimtar ne minutat e fundit.Mbajme...
Sabien Lilaj:Kundershtari po luan ashper » Ne perfundim te pjeses se pare mesfushori i korçar...
E mërkurë, 17 Korrik 2024
  • Superliga
  • Kategoria 1
  • Kosova

Europa League/ Yuri Maksimov is a "racist"!

Metalurg Donetsk coach, Yuri Maximov, has a previously untold story of the four Albanian players, Dorian Bylykbashi, Isli Hidi, Ervin Bulku and Ansi Agolli. “Maximov “hated” all of us, all  ...

Europa League/ Hoxha and Musolli get Albanian citizenship!

Tomorrow, KF Kukësi will be playing a very important game against Metalurg Donetsk in the Europa League qualification. However the Albanian team stumbled upon some problems only days before the ...

Albania/ Venera Rexhi signs for Linkopings FC

17 year old Venera Rexhi, born and raised in Sweden has decided to leave her team Borens IK and instead sign a contract with Linköpings FC. Venera has been on ...

Champions League / Skënderbeu hoping 'third time's a charm'

President Ardian Takaj is hoping "third time's a charm" for KS Skënderbeu as they look to progress from the second qualifying round at the expense of Neftçi PFK.President Ardian Takaj ...
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Europa League/ Yuri Maksimov is a "racis


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Europa League/ Hoxha and Musolli get Alb


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Albania/ Venera Rexhi signs for Linkopin


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Champions League / Skënderbeu hoping 'th



Albanian soccer news in english language.

Ansi Agolli suspended, out against Sweden
nga AlbaniaSoccer    E martë, 06 Tetor 2009 10:47    pdfShtypEmail
agolli_against_denmarkThe left wing player of the Albanian national team, Ansi Agolli will be out and will not play on the last match of qualifiers against Sweden. Agolli received a yellow card during the previous match...
Lexo ma...
Kristi Vangjeli out for game against Sweden
nga AlbaniaSoccer    E martë, 06 Tetor 2009 10:32    pdfShtypEmail
vangjeli_injuredKristi Vangjeli, the left wing defender of the Albanian National team who missed last qualifiers against Denmark, due to a injury on his knee, that he suffered during practice after a collision...
Lexo ma...
Bogdani slows Denmark progress
nga AlbaniaSoccer    E shtunë, 12 Shtator 2009 01:52    pdfShtypEmail
bogdani_ndaj_danimarkesDenmark let slip the chance to strengthen their position at the top of FIFA World Cup qualifying Group 1 as Erjon Bogdani earned Albania a draw in Tirana.

Winning positionPortugal's 1-0 win over...
Lexo ma...
Depleted Albania find inner strength
nga AlbaniaSoccer    E diel, 06 Shtator 2009 19:47    pdfShtypEmail
Albanian midfielder Emiljano VilaAlbania won their first match in Group 10 in qualifying for the 2011 UEFA European Under-21 Championship despite their squad having been badly hit by a stomach virus prior to the match.

Lexo ma...